Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mothering boys

There is a famous saying that there is a special place in heaven for every Mommy who raises a boy. Does that mean there are two places in heaven for me? Talk about a rollercoaster ride. No two days in the life of a boy mommy is ever the same. Not that I would change it for all the money in the world.

Yesterday was one of those horrible “ah” days. Just before I left for work Josiah (my eldest) complained of a sore neck. Thinking he had probably just slept in a funny position I did not pay much attention to his complaint. I had just got to my desk when my cell phone rang. Jos was in tears complaining about a sore neck, a headache and feeling nauseous. Enough to invoke a guilt trip of note. Was I a bad mother for ignoring his complaints before? To cut a long story short, I asked granny to keep him home from school and got hold of my ex-husband to take him to the doctor. The same doctor who calmly pronounced that there was nothing wrong with him. Well I was stumped. He was still complaining about a sore neck and a headache when I left the office. Not sure what to do I phoned a nearby physiotherapist at 20 past 5. She graciously agreed to see him. Half an hour later I took a different child home. It turns out that he somehow managed to develop a massive spasm in his neck and shoulders, causing the headache and nausea. We still don’t know what actually caused all the drama but at least the problem has been resolved.

See I told you, never a dull moment!!!

1 comment:

  1. My first thought would have been meningitis actually! Glad he's feeling better now.
