Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am a stalker

While I am on the subject of truth here is another one to share - I have recently discovered that I have been a "stalker" for quite some time. I am, or rather was that extremely irritating person that followed your blog religiously but silently. Up until these last few days I have never commented or showed my presence in any way. Terrible hey!!!! I have a few favourite blogs which I really feel my life would be empty without. (Watch this space I plan to introduce you to them and tell you why they have earned a place on my list of favourites!!!) I have been following most of these for months now. They some how feel like family, yet it has never occurred to me until very recently that the blog owners would actually care to know about me, that they wonder who reads their blogs and that they are interested in my opinion. Weird hey??? Having said all this – there is some good news. I have, in a manner of speaking come out of the closet. I now do leave comments. I haven't left many but I am slowly but surely finding my feet in the wonderful world of commenting as well. I some times have to laugh at myself. Every little thing I manage in this wonderful new world called the blogosphere is such and achievement in my book. (Yes you can laugh with me, please just don't laugh at me!!!) Once I have mastered the art of adding buttons and participating in blog carnivals I am adamant that I will get to the bottom of "Twitter'. At this point I have no clue what it is about but I am sure going to find out!! Anyone want to point me in the right direction???


  1. when you get back to the office, I'll explain Twitter to you and get you started ;)
    ... and help you with the widgets etc on your blog :)

  2. Everybody loves comments!! Congrats on entering the commenting and twittering world!!

  3. I don't comment much either because... I'm shy... even online! I can't help with Twitter... I just don't get it.
