Friday, June 26, 2009

On a more happy note ...

I have decided to catch up on my blogging about some more fun things

The boys and I spent two weeks at home during the April holidays but we were by no means bored. Besides being lazy and lounging around in our pj's til late morning we kept ourselves busy with lots of fun activities!!!

These are some of the things we were up to:

We baked pancakes (and got covered in flour...)

We had a chocolate fondue ....

We went shopping for a new Ben 10 wardrobe...

We visited the Irene Dairy farm ...

We had an Easter egg hunt ...

The Loot!!!

We had lunch at the Wimpy ...

followed by trip to the games room ...

I cannot believe the schools are closing again, wish I could also have leave and stay at home to have fun with my boys. Wishful thinking though, but a girl can dream after all!!


  1. Annie, I just LOVE the picture with the boys where R is laughing - what a gorgeous smile! And J looks as if he has something mischievous to say! LOVE it!

  2. That Pic of R laughing his head of is just my BEST!!!
