Tuesday, June 30, 2009

“Godincidences” – Staircase of hope ...

I don’t believe in coincidence or fate. My God is too big and too mighty for anything to interfere with His plans for my life. Ever since I read the billboard I wrote about here, God has been nudging me in little ways. Being my stubborn self and totally overwhelmed by my current circumstances, I have not paid any heed to His gentle prodding. Fortunately He is faithful and, just like any good parent, has just spoken louder and louder in order to be heard. Allow me share the amazing “Godincidences” I have experienced recently –

When I told Renier’s story I mentioned that he started painting after his heart transplant. Right at the start of our visit to their house, both Kallie and I noticed one of his paintings. It was partially hidden in a corner of the lounge. Renier sells his paintings and uses their home as an informal gallery, just hanging any new paintings wherever there is a nail available until such time as it is sold. The painting really spoke to us and we joking said to Renier that we would love to own it but could not afford it at the moment. He asked whether we were serious and offered to keep it until we could afford it. This morning my dear friend Sam encouraged me with the following quote by Martin Luther King Jr:

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”

Not only is this quote extremely appropriate in our current circumstances, but the painting that I fell in love with is of a wooden staircase. Renier commented that the painting was filled with symbolism but that the interpretation was in the eye of the beholder. How true!

I am trusting God to lead us up this steep staircase, one step at a time, to reach the top where I trust that not only will a new physical heart be waiting for Kallie, but that we will also receive new spiritual hearts as God promises in Ezekiel 36:26.

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart “
Ezekiel 36:26 (New Living Translation):

Tomorrow we will be taking another step closer as Kallie goes in to Milpark Hospital for all the physical tests to determine whether he qualifies to be added to the transplant list. Please join us in praying that all the results will be positive.


  1. I really hope and trust that tomorrow will go well :)

  2. Hang in there Buddy... It's gonna be a bumpy road but you can do this... If you need anything just call on us!!

  3. HUGE (((HUGS))) Just heard the news
