Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to work after weekend dramas

Today was my first day back at work after two weeks at home with my boys. Sure didn't feel like getting up this morning. Made it through the day okay - just felt a bit under the weather though. Think I picked up a stomach bug of sorts. At least I am feeling a bit better now.

I had a very busy weekend. I had to fetch my mom from the airport on Saturday. She came back from Cape Town after a well deserved two week holiday. Boy was my youngest glad to see his "Ouma". The feeling was mutual though - she only remembered to say hallo to me as well after a while. We celebrated her return with a quick breakfast at the Wimpy on O.R. Tambo Airport.

I was very sad to miss out on my colleague and friend Celia's baby shower. Doesn't this look like fun? Things worked out for the best though as I was home to deal with an emergency of another kind. We had just got home from the airport when I got a call from Jos's dad informing me that they were on their way to the hospital as Jos had slipped while jumping from on truck to another and hit his head. (His dad has a transport company and they were at the truck yard.) I rushed off to meet them at the emergency room of the local hospital. Fortunately the damage looked a lot worse than it actually was. Three stitches and a pressure bandage later and we were on our way home. After a good soak in the tub and some pain medication my little hero was ready for bed. Here is the evidence (don't look if you are squeamish  - his favourite "old clothes" are covered in blood!!)

Nothing like a hug from Ouma to make you feel better!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I am a stalker

While I am on the subject of truth here is another one to share - I have recently discovered that I have been a "stalker" for quite some time. I am, or rather was that extremely irritating person that followed your blog religiously but silently. Up until these last few days I have never commented or showed my presence in any way. Terrible hey!!!! I have a few favourite blogs which I really feel my life would be empty without. (Watch this space I plan to introduce you to them and tell you why they have earned a place on my list of favourites!!!) I have been following most of these for months now. They some how feel like family, yet it has never occurred to me until very recently that the blog owners would actually care to know about me, that they wonder who reads their blogs and that they are interested in my opinion. Weird hey??? Having said all this – there is some good news. I have, in a manner of speaking come out of the closet. I now do leave comments. I haven't left many but I am slowly but surely finding my feet in the wonderful world of commenting as well. I some times have to laugh at myself. Every little thing I manage in this wonderful new world called the blogosphere is such and achievement in my book. (Yes you can laugh with me, please just don't laugh at me!!!) Once I have mastered the art of adding buttons and participating in blog carnivals I am adamant that I will get to the bottom of "Twitter'. At this point I have no clue what it is about but I am sure going to find out!! Anyone want to point me in the right direction???

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

I have once again not posted for quite a while. I can make a lot of mostly valid excuses for my silence but that won't be the whole truth. I have been at home with the kids and internet access. If I wanted I could have posted and blogged to my hearts contempt. Why o why the silence then? Truth is I don't really know. My life just isn't what I would have liked it to be at the moment. I spend hours hopping between my favourite blogs and somehow it just seems as if everyone around me is leading a charmed life. If I stop long enough to think about my life I just want to run away or sit in a corner and cry. This is soooooo stupid. My dear friend Sam was telling me about a program she watched featuring a motivational speaker. According to this lady we should all learn to focus on the positive and forget the rest. She challenges you to start your sentences with "I love..." to force you to shift your focus away from the negatives.

Well here goes:

“I love being a mom to two gorgeous boys!!! They are the light of my life!!!"

"I love having caring friends who are always ready to meet up and give me a much needed pep talk when I am down and out and ready to throw in the towel!!!" (Thanks Sam)

"I love having friends who love me no matter what. Who can sit and listen to the current story of my life and still love me anyway!!!" (Thanks Sonja)

"I love having an eight year old who googles Sudoku games to cheer me up!!!"

"I love being so very blessed ....."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Lion and Rhino Park

This past Saturday my friend Sam and I took the boys to the Lion and Rhino Park. What we thought would be a relaxing lunch, playing with the cubs and a leisurely game viewing drive turned out to be quite the opposite. WOW what a busy afternoon!! We never realised that there was so much to do and see. Talking about things to see - we were terribly embarrassed when we drove right past three massive white rhinos with two young. In our defense we were all looking the other way trying to figure out what animals were grazing in the distance. There was nothing "white" about these big mamas. I did a little research and found the following interesting facts:
"The common name White Rhinoceros is confusing and probably originated when early English settlers misinterpreted the Afrikaans word weit for white. Weit means wide; therefore it has nothing to do with the color of the animal. The white rhinoceros is also referred to as the square lipped rhinoceros." You can read more about it here.
This is what they looked like.

After a leisurely lunch and chocolate ice cream - (here is the proof!)


we walked around looking at the animals

              Pigmee Hippo trying to cool down
                                Black swan - finally after many failed attempts!

We had just got to the reptile park when Jos, who as always had run ahead, came storming out saying we must come look they are taking the African Rock Python out of its cage for a show. Needless to say we trekked all the way back to watch the Reptile show. Interesting and a bit gory - I am not really in to puff adder fangs! O, by the way snakes are venomous not poisonous. The difference being that snake venom is not ingested but injected into the tissue. I learned something.
The Reptile show was followed by the most amazing display. Eddie, a hand reared cheetah was brought out and made to run across a piece of open ground. They pulled a soft toy on a rope with some pulley system to coax him into running. We got to sit right there and even though he never came close to reaching the speed these animals are capable of it was still awesome to watch. Unfortunately spectators were asked not to photograph the run but got the opportunity afterwards to stroke Eddie and pose for some photographs.

                                     A hesitant Jos and Eddie.

Sam and Eddie

Visitors also got to pose with the African Rock Python. Jos was absolutely thrilled and totally in his element.
My little snake charmer
Sam on the other hand was not so sure about the whole snake around your neck thing. Must say she did put on a brave face but was clearly not impressed when she felt the movement of the snake's muscles against her back. Don't blame her just the thought gave me goose bumps!!

The best part of the day was the fact that visitors are allowed to play with the cubs in the animal crèche..
Isn't he absolutely gorgeous? By the way Jos took this photograph. Not bad for an eight year old hey? 
By this time we had, had enough excitement for one day and decided that it was time to head home. On our way out we came across some warthogs. They were too cute standing on their front knees to eat.
All in all an amazing day. We are definitely planning on going back again. This time I am gonna ask my mum to babysit Reuben so we can visit the wonder cave as well!!!

I am still alive and other arb things

After this loooooooooooong silence I am still here, still alive, still kicking. Life has been crazy - 3 days off sick with bronchitis, 3 days on course and all the rest playing catch up and trying to get ahead of the game. Things are however looking up - not only am I on leave since Friday but I have finally got round to organising internet access at home. Oh what bliss. I have my laptop on my kitchen table and in between chores and loads of washing (my domestic help is also on leave) I reward myself with some serious blog hopping. I am really enjoying just being at home and pottering (and surfing) around. The weather is quite miserable although it is starting to warm up a bit. Reuben (my baby) is not well. He is once again coughing and wheezing terribly so that is a good excuse to just stay at home and catch up with my blogging and DVD's. Jos (the eldest) is also on school holidays so am I getting to spend lots of time with my boys and getting a taste of what it is like to be a stay at home mommy. I am also trying to organise and declutter some area no matter how small every day. Have been so inspired by all the organising blogs. Go pay a visit to Marcia or Laura to get inspired. It happens to be spring and spring cleaning time in the Northern Hemisphere so get stuck in to some "Autumn" cleaning.