Friday, October 2, 2009

12 point introspection ...

I saw this on Jenty’s blog and thought a little introspection might help me gain some insight in the current slump I am in …

1. want: My focus, energy and passion back.
2. need: Energy and motivation
3. thankful for: My family and friends
4. thinking: I am exhausted why is the week end only two days?
5. quote: “In life, understanding is the booby prize.” Unknown
6. watching: My boys growing up too quickly
7. lacking: Me-time
8. listening: To the air conditioner
9. responding: Without enthusiasm
10. planning: To cook a family meal on Sunday
11. am: Worried about my brother
12. not: In a good space

1 comment:

  1. (((HUGS))) Annie, sounds like we all need to go out for a lunch maybe to get out of this place for a bit!
